Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chicken Pot Pie

Perhaps I only decided to make chicken pot pie for potluck knowing I'd have a chance to include this video clip:

And while it certainly doesn't hurt, it wasn't the only reason. We roasted a chicken on Friday night and I had some leftovers that needed tending to. I was also feeling in need of comfort food, and what better dish to whip up then a creamy, flaky chicken pot pie?

Since I don't make chicken pot pie on the reg, I looked up a bunch of recipes online. Some seemed too simplistic and basic while others had more prep work than I could deal with. So...I made up my own recipe. And while some of the time my attempts at creating recipes are huge flops, this one was actually a hit, so I'm sharing it with you all.

Start by sauteing one chopped onion and two cloves of garlic in some olive oil in an oven proof pot.

I cooked them for about 5 minutes before adding in 1 large carrot, chopped. I probably could have used two carrots, to be honest.

After cooking them all together for another 5-10 minutes, I added 1/4 cup of flour.

I stirred the flour till it coated all the veggies and then let it cook up for a bit, probably five minutes or so, just until it started browning. Then I added two cups of chicken broth and whisked, whisked, whisked until it turned into a perfect gravy-like consistency. I added a cup of peas (ok, I'll be honest, I didn't measure, I just added the remains of one bag of frozen peas...so, use your own judgement there), salt, pepper and some fresh thyme.

I tossed this in, uncovered, into the oven at 350 for 20 minutes. While that was cooking, I took out some frozen puff pastry (yay for Trader Joe's finally stocking this again!) and let it defrost for 10 minutes before slicing it into strips. I took out the filling and after it cooled for a few minutes, I made a very poorly constructed lattice top to my chicken pot pie. I'm pretty certain you can do a full top as well, but I was trying to be "good" and not use too much of the buttery, flaky pastry goodness.

I turned the oven on to 425 and baked it for another 15 minutes. Of course, I forgot to take a picture of the final product, but trust me when I say it looked beautiful. The pastry puffed up to a lovely golden brown, and it complimented the chicken filling perfectly. If you have extra time, I'm sure you could easily whip up a pastry topping of your own (Martha Stewart's Pate Brisee is my go to recipe for such things), but for a quick and easy chicken pot pie, using some frozen puff pastry can't be beat.

Potluck itself was a small affair, but perfect for a Monday night that certainly brought with it a "case of the Mondays." February definitely has that "wah wah" winter feel to it, so hopefully we can find ways to stay on top of that in the next few weeks.

Despite the small crowd, we enjoyed a lovely meal of kale & potatoes along with the chicken pot pie and topped it off with some sweet bread pudding (smothered in homemade kahlua for the adults). Yum! 

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