Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lonely Leftovers

February is a tough month. The magic of winter slowly loses it's sparkle and you're faced with cold days, colder nights and dingy grey streets from all the snow and mud. Valentines Day is a nice bright spot (and in fact, we've kept up our Valentines in hopes of spreading the love and cheer throughout the entire month).

Potluck Mondays definitely help as we trudge through February - so close to Spring we can almost smell it (...and then it snows). However, along with moving closer to warmer months, February also brings with it s a host of unavoidable ailments...stomach bugs, croupy coughs, and icky colds.

And so, as Monday progressed, emails started filtering in bringing news of sick kids or parents and slowly but surely everyone had bowed out of potluck for the night. But not before we had roasted an entire chicken, plus a few extra legs/thighs.

While my family dined on chicken, tiny potatoes and some peas, we talked about our missed friends and hopes for future potlucks. Of course, we'll try it all again next Monday in hopes that everyone is healthy and ready to hang out again.

In the meantime I'm left with dirty pans and extra chicken.

And while a bit of elbow grease will help with the pan, I'm not quite as sure what the fate of the leftover chicken will be.

Normally our leftover chicken finds its way into a pot pie or possibly shredded and simmered with BBQ sauce. However, I'm always on the lookout for something new. If you have a favorite recipe that includes leftover chicken, please share! 


  1. http://crumbsinthebinding.wordpress.com/2011/02/16/enchilada-casserole/

    My favorite leftover recipe.

  2. Line the pan w foil or parchment. No elbow grease
