Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Beginning

It all started innocently enough: a group of friends who wanted to come together as something more. We decided that sharing a weekly meal together would be one place to start. And so...Monday Night Dinners began. We specifically chose Monday because we wanted to start the week off right - without the blahs that can sometimes accompany the beginning of the week.

We didn't have much of a plan at first, just...get together,! Over the first few weeks and then months, we evolved, finding our rhythm and figuring out what worked best. We rotated homes so each family would have a chance to host. We set up a Gmail listserve, so we could easily touch base to let the rest of the group know what we were bringing.

It started off outside dinner shared at a local park, and then grew to a steady 6-8 regular families sharing their home, their food and their friendship with one another. Sometimes meals would be worthy of Michelin quality restaurants...

sage & cherry butternut squash

zucchini-feta patties

french toast with apples and bananas

pasta with garlic scape pesto

honey sweetened roasted peaches with ricotta cheese

...and other times, too tired to cook but hungry for friendship, we would still gather on Monday and share some take out.

My Monday night group has been many things...a comfort, a boost of energy, an inspiration, but most importantly...they've been a community. Three years ago, I started off as somebody who loved to eat, but rarely cooked. I had the desire to do more, excited by the possibilities that the local food and farm scene had to offer. Cooking for my family helped, but I needed something more.

Monday night potlucks became that something. Each Monday I strived to go a bit out of my comfort zone and cook something that I'd be proud to serve my newly formed circle of friends. Sure, there have been a few flops here and there(and more burnt pans than I'd like to remember), but there have also been some hidden gems as well. Sometimes, I've even surprised myself.

After one completely satisfying potluck - both in stomach and soul - I wondered why I have't been documenting our time together.

So, here we are.

My intent is to not only chronicle our weekly dinners, including pictures, recipes and stories, but to share my own journey as an "Almost Chef."

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