Thursday, October 28, 2010

Monday Night Meat

Every fourth Monday potluck, after the food has been consumed and the kids are running around, the adults sit around and divide up...meat.

For the last year or so a handful of the regular Monday Night-ers have been a part of a local meat CSA. Each family gets anywhere from 5-10 pounds of local, grass fed meat, depending on what they've signed up for.

Almost all of the families in our potluck group belong to a produce CSA - and make their way to a local farm to pick up their weekly bounty during the late spring to early fall months. A good portion of the meals eaten during potluck contain a lot of these local, fresh fruits and veggies and we all stand behind the idea that eating locally produced food is both important for our health and our community.

Sustainability is something I try to adhere to when selecting what food I buy and prepare. I'm lucky to live in an area where farm fresh food - including meat - is readily available. I am in love with the idea that we can support a farm that not only treats it's animals humanely, but practices organic, green ways of running a farm.

When the opportunity to join in on a meat CSA opened up, we jumped at the chance. My family signed up for 5 pounds of meat, and each month I sort through the huge cooler to pick and choose what we'll take home.

This past Monday was a meat share day, and I'm happy to report I chose some stew meat (which we'll cook up with some carrots, potatoes, spices and other yummy stuff for dinner), some chicken parts, ground beef, and a couple of steaks (which have already been eaten, fresh off the grill).

We don't know ahead of time what types of meat we'll get each month - that's up to the farm and what they have available. It almost feels like opening up a present each time to see what meat we've received. It's not unusual to hear shouts of "Yes!! Bacon!" upon opening of the cooler.

There are usually choice cuts that people may barter over...bacon is a hot commodity as well as lean cuts of brisket. We're usually pretty good about doling things out evenly, and if somebody got stuck with extra ground beef or chicken parts one month, they'll be sure to pick up a Delmonico steak the next share.

As excited as I was to join the meat share, there are months that go buy where I stare at the meat in my freezer, unsure what I want to do with it. At the same time, it's nice to know that a pound of ground beef is only a thaw away from being used. Being a part of this meat CSA has definitely provided more avenues for trying out new recipes and perfecting old ones, like my shepherd's pie.

Currently, when I open my freezer I find myself staring at a bunch of ground beef, chicken legs/thighs, a few steaks and one bone in chicken breast...who's got some recipe ideas?

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