Monday, April 11, 2011

Link Love

some mini daffodils that reside on our dining room table

Spring is finally here! While it's officially been spring for the last few weeks, it hasn't quite felt like it until the past couple of days. In fact, just this morning, my son stepped outside, took a deep breath and went "ahhh...smells like Spring."

And it's that "ahhh" feeling that has me away from the computer and outside more often these days. Wearing t-shirts, tossing around a frisbee, biking or just rolling around in the fresh grass...I find it really hard to sit down in front of the computer and blog. Also, all of our time spent outside has us sometimes rushing around, throwing a meal together at the last minute (and when that happens I am blogger fail and forget to snap photos).

However, I love relaying what we've been eating around here, especially on Monday nights, so that won't change. As for today...sometimes Mondays sneak up on you. We're not sure who's hosting yet, and I think we're going to be making a tried and true (and easy!) dish. So I don't have any new recipes or pictures for you.

In the meantime, I thought it would be nice to show some link love...Here are some sites (and sights) I've been enjoying lately. Hopefully you'll enjoy them too!

Cooking With My Kid is a fabulous website for those who have little helpers in the kitchen. The recipes are easy to follow, totally kid friendly but not bland or unimaginative (which I find happens sometimes when people cook for kids. Don't get me started about the lame-ness of most "kid menus.")

Picture from Cooking With My Kid. Click here for recipe.

When I just want to look at amazing pictures of food that I'll probably never get a chance to try, I head on over to Serious Eats. They even have an entire section devoted to "photograzing." With the warmer weather in the air, and my serious love of fish tacos, I might just have to try my hand at this recipe soon.

Catfish tacos

One of my favorite things that comes with warmer weather is our local outdoor Tuesday Market. While there are still a few more weeks until it actually begins, I figured a few inspirational pictures can't hurt. This market goes beyond just selling produce and has a wide variety of offerings. I'm sure that when the season begins I'll be posting more of our adventures at the market, but until then, here are a few of my favorites.

Well fed, indeed.
My mouth is watering at the taste of fresh strawberries already
The best shaved ice ever.
To find a fabulous farmers' market in your neighborhood, check out Local Harvest.

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